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TheMinttu |
School of Destruction
1. Summon a flame the size of a candle by snapping your fingers. Cannot be used to deal damage directly, but can set things on fire.
2. Flash freeze up to a bucket of liquid in its current shape. May create fragile improvised weapons.
3. Poison a mug's worth of water by swirling it with you finger.
Destructive Touch
R: touch T: creature D: 0
Deal [sum]+[dice] damage of your choice of fire, frost, poison or shock damage.
Armor Eater
R: touch T: creature D: 0
Reduce target Defense by [dice] points. If target is wearing armor, the spell targets the armor and does not spill over onto natural Defense.
Destructive Trap
R: touch T: trapped object D: 0
Cast upon a trapped object, such as a door or chest. Choose fire, frost, poison or shock damage. When the trap is triggered, it deals [sum] damage, either in a 10' radius or a 30' line.
Nomax |
Destructive Bolt
R: 50' T: creature D: 0
Deal [sum] damage of your choice of fire, frost, poison or shock.
Drain Attribute
R: touch T: creature D: 10 minutes
Reduce a target's attribute by [sum] for the duration of the spell. The attribute returns to normal after the spell ends. Relevant stats are recalculated. Save for half.
R: 50' T: creature D: 1 minute
A creature with [dice]x3 or fewer HD becomes weak to a chosen element or normal weapons. Immune creatures go down to resistance, resistant creatures lose their resistance, normal creatures take 50% more damage. Save negates.
Absorb Health
R: touch T: creature D: 0
You steal [sum] HP from the target and add it to your own HP total. The total may go over your normal maximum, but cannot be healed above that threshold. If this effect is reflected, you may damage your own HP. Save for half.
Damage Attribute
R: touch T: creature D: 0
If the target fails a Save, reduce the target's attribute by [sum]. The attribute can only be restored with magical healing. Relevant stats are recalculated. Save negates.
R: 50', or through focus T: creature D: until removed or satisfied
You inflict a Minor or Major Curse on the target, Save negates. You must either have a piece of them (lock of hair, beloved locket) or see them in range. For a Minor curse, you must expend 2MD, for a Major curse you must expend 4. All dice you use are automatically exhausted. You may not dispel your own curses, but may set appropriate conditions for satisfying them. (See the Many Rats curse table for inspiration).
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Nuare |
Destructive Blast
R: 60' T: 10' radius D: 0
Deal [sum] damage to all targets in the area, with your choice of fire, frost, poison or shock. Save for half damage.
Five Fingers of Pain
R: touch T: creature D: 0
Deal [dice]x2 points of fire, frost, poison and shock damage, and trigger a Morale check at a -[dice] penalty. Save negates.
Energy Drain
R: touch T: creature D: 0
You drain [sum]x50XP from your target. If the target has class levels, they may lose those. Otherwise, they lose [dice]HD. Save for half.
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