School of Conjuration
1. You can call on the spirit of a recently dead creature by interrogating its body. Provided the creature died after the last dawn and wasn't the property of a Daedra Lord, it will answer three of your questions. At dawn, the spirit departs. The dead are rarely coherent or helpful. Answers may be cryptic. If the creature had 3 or more HD, everyone can see and hear the spirit, otherwise, only you can see it.
2. You can ritually protect a corpse against possession by unwelcome spirits. Alternatively, you can deliberately invite spirits to possess a corpse (you have no control over them). The ritual takes 10 minutes. The most dangerous time is between death and dawn; afterwards the body becomes less appealing to wandering spirits.
3. You may permanently lose 1HP to add 1MD to a spell. You may only lose 1HP per spell.
Conjure Undead
R: 0 T: summon D: 1 day
Summon one of several undead, depending on the number of dice: 1(Skeleton) 2(Lesser Bonewalker) 3(Greater Bonewalker) 4(Bonelord). Undead creatures follow orders loyally, even when out of view.
Bound Weapon
R: 0 T: self D: 1 minute
A Daedric weapon appears in your hand from the outer realms. Daedric weapons function as +3 weapons. 1MD(dagger, sling) 2(shortbow, sword, mace, axe) 3(longbow, spear, greatsword, warhammer, greataxe) 4(enchanted great weapon)
Turn Undead
R: 50' T: undead D: 1 minute
You cause an undead creature of [dice]x3 HD or less to flee for 1 minute and be unable to stand against you and your allies. Undead of greater HD still make Morale rolls, but are not magically compelled.
Conjure Lesser Daedra
R: 0 T: summon D: 1 hour
Summons one of several Daedra, depending on the number of dice: 1(Scamp) 2(Flame Atronach) 3(Dremora) 4(Frost Atronach). Daedra buck against orders, and will seek to undermine them whenever possible. If you lose sight of the daedra, it is likely to ignore your orders and cause chaos.
Command Creature
R: 50' T: non-humanoid creature D: 1 hour
A creature of [dice]x3 or less HD is compelled to follow your orders for the duration of this spell.
Circle of Turning
R: [dice]x10' radius T: self D: 1 minute
You create a circle of up to [dice]x10' in radius for 1 minute which no undead of [dice]x3 HD or fewer may enter. Undead of greater HD suffer -4 to all rolls while inside the circle.
Conjure Greater Daedra
R: 0 T: summon D: 10 minutes
Summon one of several Daedra, depending on number of dice: 1(Hunger) 2(Daedroth) 3(Storm Atronach) 4(Winged Twilight). These daedra are nearly impossible to order around, and they remain in Mundus for only a short period of time.
Bound Armor
R: 0 T: self D: 1 minute
Daedric armor appears on your body from the outer realms, replacing currently worn armor. The armor is more complete the more dice invested ([dice]x2 armor bonus).
Control Undead
R: 50' T: undead D: 1 minute
You may wrest control of an undead creature of [dice]x3 HD or fewer from its creator.
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Elder Scrolls: Legends |
Grand Conjuring
R: 0 T: summon D: 1 hour
Conjure any single ghost, undead or daedra known to you by name. In the right place* you may even commune with the Daedric Princes(*Places can be in space or time. You may summon a Prince from their shrine, or on their special Day).
Command Humanoid
R: 50' T: humanoid D: 1 hour
A humanoid of [dice]x3 HD or fewer is compelled to follow your order for the duration of this spell.
R: 0 T: location D: see below
Given an appropriate amount of time, you can anoint a given location as hallowed ground, acting as a circle of turning and granting you control of whether daedra and undead can be summoned on the grounds. Lasts for: 1MD(1 hour) 2(1 day) 3(1 week) 4(month).
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