Gun Witch
Starting Equipment: Two guns of choice, leather armor
Starting Skills (1d3): Religion, Chemistry, Dueling
A: Hex, +1 MD
B: Quick-Fingered
C: Powder Sprite, +1 MD
D: Tricky, Backblast
You gain +1 HP and Save for every 2 Gun Witch templates you possess. Gun Witches may only use firearms and explosives. In melee, a pistol can deal 1d3 damage, a rifle 1d4, and a bayoneted rifle 1d6.
Once per day you can apply a hex to any target you hit as a free action.
Reduce the number of rounds taken to reload a gun by 1.
Powder Sprite
Recruit a powder sprite, a familiar which can reload your guns, be consumed for an extra MD or be sacrificed for an explosive shot (+2d6 to all in 5' of target). Recruiting a new familiar can be done once a day with a successful Charisma check.
You get +2 to Combat Maneuver rolls. Additionally, whenever you attack and get exactly the number you needed, you may make an opposed Dexterity vs Strength or Dexterity (whichever is higher). If you win, you successfully execute a free Combat Maneuver.
Backblast Whenever you reduce a creature to 0 HP with an attack, you can move 5' for every point of damage dealt.
1. Target Practice
R: 50' T: [dice]x2 objects or creatures D: 0
Target creature or object is grabbed by the ground itself, and attacks against it have +4 to hit. Save vs Dex to negate, prone creatures automatically fail. Target is immobilized until it can win an opposed Strength test against the ground. The effective Strength of the ground depends on what it is made out of: Dirt 8, Clay 12, Limestone 16, Basalt 18. This spell has no effect on things that aren't touching the ground.
2. Lit Fuse
R: 50' T: creatures D: [dice] rounds
A creature takes [sum] damage on their turn for [dice] rounds. If this kills them, they explode for [sum damage] to all in 5'. If this would kill an adjacent creature, they explode as well.
3. Magic Missile
R: 200' T: creature D: 0
Target takes [sum] + [dice] damage, no save. As a Gun Witch, you cast this from the barrel of a gun.
4. Ride the Powder
R: Touch T: gun D: [dice] hours
Enchant a gun to fly and carry you at your movement speed. A pistol can slow your fall from any height. A long gun can carry you like a broomstick. Swivel guns and small cannons carry two people, medium cannons carry three, large cannons carry four. Artillery cannons will carry your entire party. While the spell is active you can summon that gun to you from any distance.
5. Force Field
R: 10' T: plane or sphere D: concentration
Creates a shimmering force field, 10‘x10’, centered up to 10' away.
Alternatively, create a sphere centered on the caster 5' in diameter (large
enough for the caster and +1 person). The force field has [sum] HP. All
attacks against it hit.
For guns, see Joseph Manola's ATWC.
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