Monday, July 22, 2019

Play Report: Goblins and Pigeons and Ogres! Oh My!

I've been running an online play-by-post GLOG game for a solo player these last few weeks, and just underwent an... interesting course of events.

The Party

Our cast is:

Delrosa the Human Elementalist (the main PC)

Stella, a 12 year old spiderling hireling

Jak and Jax, one-eyed twin human barbarians (they lost their eyes in a freak thumb-wrestling accident)

Savathorex Bloodsnout, lizardman fighter (secretly three kobold thieves in a trench coat)

Ramajudran the sorcerer (a talking cube)

Early in the adventure, the party had captured a goblin in the employ of the BBEG and pressured it into helping them avoid patrols on the way to a wizard's tower. The goblin led them through the swamp and into a tunnel. The PCs know this leads to the dwelling of an ogre which was kept in check before the BBEG showed up. Shortly after entering, the goblin fakes a fall, breaks through its binding and escapes into a smaller tunnel. Unwilling to chase after it, the PCs press forward.

They soon come across a large chamber. They can hear the goblin screaming and begging. Getting a closer look they find it strung up above a pot of water the ogre is setting to boil. It pleads for its life, claiming it brings the PCs as offerings for passage. Hungry and not seeing anything else to eat, the ogre disregards the goblin and keeps preparing his meal.

At this point the PCs decide on the following plan: use the sorcerer's alter ability to distract the ogre by transforming the goblin into a bird. Then, while the ogre is chasing after his meal, sneak across the room and open the portcullis to get out of the chamber.

The sorcerer has already used two effects so far today, and adds another die to make the transformation last a full minute. He rolls...

MD: 4

ID: 1, 1, 1

For the first time, I break out the sorcerous mishaps table. A triple one reads: "Effect targets adjacent target instead."

So the sorcerer's magic goes wild, instead striking the ogre...

Which proceeds to critically fail its save.

Which I interpret as the effect being permanent.

So now, the PCs have a polymorphed dove standing in the middle of the room, yelling and swearing at the party (I figured it could still talk, if just for the hell of it) and threatening to warn the BBEG if they didn't turn it back right away.

The PCs, of course, proceed to totally ignore it, cutting down the goblin and continuing on their merry way. They now have a pissed off ogre flying off to warn the BBEG they're coming, and have not seen the last of him.


Thanks to the new readers who came by! If you have any questions or comments, please put them below. If you enjoyed, please share this site to anybody you think would enjoy it. Have a great day!

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