For those new to the blog, I first outlined how these work here and how to make your own here. In short, each of these is a patron saint that can be claimed by the party. By adopting the saint and keeping their strictures, the party gains a spell. This can be cast by any party member, regardless of class. This was originally made for GLOG, but I've adapted it for S&W by making them 1st level spells. They can be cast once per day by default, though either the number or potency of the spell (in GLOG those are interchangeable, and haven't decided how to adapt it yet) can be increased temporarily with a costly sacrifice.
Shrine of the Crowned Lion

The lion is the king of beasts, unmatched in strength and savagery. It is a potent heraldic symbol, and also a common representation of the Savior. Much to the dislike of the church, many people revere the crowned lion on royal heraldry as if it were a god. Some populist reformers have made the case for this idolatry, on shaky theological grounds. In any case, the symbol is very popular in Tours-en-Savoy, representing strength, hope and righteousness.
Shrine: Any stone carving of the Crowned Lion, most commonly found decorating fountains. Gold coins are placed in the mouths of the carvings. It is common knowledge that the local government collects these and uses them to pay guard's wages.
Cult: The worship of the crowned lion is popular among the town guards in Tours-en-Savoy, in addition to sellswords and tradesmen.
Blessing: Protection from Evil, 1st level MU spell.
Strictures of the Crowned Lion
Daily praise the name of the Savior, that you may thank your protector.
When you see injustice and iniquity, shout against it; do not let it lie.
Strike down the enemies of the faith with a hot heart.
A favorite prayer of the Crowned Lion
May She come in your guise, my defender
And lend us strength
That one-hundred of our meek arms
Clutched together, match yours.
Shrine of Saint Barbegaz

A confused mix of pagan and church traditions, folk superstition holds that Saint Barbegaz is a ice-bearded, white-furred dwarf who lives in the high mountains, skiing down them using his gigantic feet. He is said to enjoy surfing avalanches, but always gives people below a loud 'yu-hu-hu!' to warn them. He brings medicine and luck to the homes of the isolated and impoverished.
Shrine: A mountain-path cairn, piled with flowers from passers-by, and supplies for the needy left by the generous. Less traditional cairns can be found in the lowlands and cities at crossroads, made of stacked bricks or potsherds.
Cult: Most popular among the mountain-folk, who rely on the passes to get from place to place, and seek insurance against starvation and disease in the lonely winter months.
Blessing: Cure Light Wounds, 1st level Cleric spell.
Strictures of Saint Barbegaz
In times of plenty, give alms generously.
Give hospitality to the needful.
Do not harm another without provocation.
A favorite prayer of Saint Barbegaz
Saint Barbegaz, who dwells on the mountaintop,
Grant good fortune to your humble servant,
And let my alms fall into the laps of the needy
When the winter snows come.
Shrine of the Cherry Raven

Once upon a time, a witch and her pious husband lived at the foot of a glacier. One day, as the witch was preparing stew in her cauldron on the glacier-top, she realized she forgot garlic, and raced down home in the form of a black raven. Her husband was picking cherries from the tree at that moment, and made his morning prayer. He turned his face to the sky, and the raven's droppings accidentally hit him in the eye, making him fall to his death.
It's a crazy story, but the folk around here tell it to cherish the time we have. And when ill-fortune strikes, one often makes an offering of birdseed to the nearest cherry tree.
Shrine: A tall cherry tree, at least three years old.
Cult: Farmers and country folk, most commonly the very young and very old, who feel most acutely the absence of their loved ones and their own impending death respectively.
Blessing: Detect Magic, 1st level MU spell.
Strictures of the Cherry Raven
Cherish your loved ones, who will pass on soon.
Keep your oaths and unions faithfully.
Aid others in reconciling their broken loves.
A favorite prayer of the Cherry Raven
Blessed Raven in the Cherry, watch over me,
And my family, and my love,
Without whom I am alone in this world,
And speed me safely to the next.
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