The practitioners of an underground mystical tradition, claiming an unbroken line of mentorship back to the rogue wizard Malachi Draas. This is dubious. What is certain is the Malachite's proficiency with gory, flashy and awesome magic. Subtlety is for wizards unsure of their own power. Why hide your power when everyone should be bowing to you?
Perk: The forces of hell know your kind. You can call up and converse with demons with a ten minute ritual.
Drawback: You are feared and distrusted by most. All your spells are bright, loud, and next to impossible to hide.
1. Ward off mild heat or cold. Too weak to defend from stroke or hypothermia, but good for comfort.
2. Dim sound. The sounds are still made, but to you they seem muffled.
3. When entering a room, you can choose to cause a display of multicolored lights and music to appear.
1. MD only return to your pool on a 1-2 for 24 hours.
2. Take 1d6 damage.
3. Random mutation for 1d6 rounds, then Save. Permanent if you fail.
4. Agony for 1d6 rounds.
5. Possessed for 1d6 rounds.
6. Vomit up 1d6 imps in as many rounds. They will cause havoc in the area while loudly praising your name.
Doom of the Malachite
1. A crack in the ground forms under your feet and you fall in, dragged by hellish hands. You return a day later, shaved from head to toe with your skin covered in infernal tattoos.
2. You lose control of your summoning ritual. Demons can find and appear to you at will. You can't hide.
3. Your spirit warps and you are overtaken by a desire to conquer and destroy. You become a dangerous NPC in the service of hell, and will journey to the nearest hellmouth to open it and lead a demonic army.
The last doom can be averted by finding the hellmouth and sealing it shut forever.
Unerring Seeker
R: [dice] increment T: object D: concentration
You could find a grain of sand in a dune. Know the exact location of an item in (1. 60' 2. 1 mile 3. 10 miles 4. 100 miles).
Chastising Tremor
R: [dice] increment T: area D: 1 minute
Your voice rings out from the earth. For 1 minute the ground quakes and none may escape your voice. (1. 60' 2. 1 mile 3. 10 miles 4. 50 miles)
Bloody Communion
R: [dice] increment T: known creature D: concentration
Communicate with distant peoples through effigies of blood. Construct an effigy, then spill fresh blood upon it. 1d6 damage's worth of blood will do. Hold a creature's face and name in your mind. The surface nearest to them will begin to drip with blood, and through it they can see and hear you, as you can see and hear them. (1. 10 miles 2. 100 miles 3. This plane of existence 4. Other planes of existence).
Striking Word
R: 200' T: creature D: 0
You speak a word of power, the glyph issuing forth as blue smoke from your mouth and rocketing towards its target. Target takes [sum]+[dice] damage, no save.
Thunderous Wave
R: 30' T: cone D: 0
The world explodes in light and thunder. Everything in a 30' cone takes [sum] blasting damage, tearing apart and disintegrating fragile items and material.
Dreaming Walk
R: see below T: sleeping creature D: concentration
Invade the dreams of another creature. They must either be in your sight, or you must have a body part of theirs. When you enter their dreams, treat as a Rapture encounter (Veins of the Earth 107). You have your current hit points, Wisdom as Armor and Intelligence as Strength. You may use an opposed Charisma roll to change the fabric of the dream to your wishes. The target is immediately aware of your presence and may make a single Save at a [dice] penalty to expel you.
Devil's Kiss
R: touch T: creature D: until oath is fulfilled
Command a creature to fulfill a request. They Save at a [dice] penalty when it is cast, and if they fail they are compelled to do this.
Call Storm
R: 1 mile T: summon D: [dice] hours
Call down a storm on your location. This may be a dust storm, thunderstorm, fog, or another variant. If you invest 4 or more dice, you can choose to make the effect permanent until dispelled.
Windward Evocation
R: 0 T: summon D: 1 day
Summon a wind spirit to your bidding, depending on the number of dice: 1(Sylph) 2(Wind Sage?) 3(Velkeras) 4(A Great Wind)
Seductive Word
R: 50' T: person D: [dice] hours
The person regards you as a good friend and in absolute awe of the obvious spell you just cast on them. If you invest 4 [dice] or more into this spell, the duration becomes permanent.
Emblem Spells
Nacreous Sphere
R: 0 T: [dice]x10' diameter sphere D: concentration
An opalescent sphere, stronger than adamant and thinner than air forms around the caster. It has [sum]x2 HP, and all attacks against it hit.
Shattering Exeunt
R: [dice]x20 miles T: Self and [dice]x2 willing creatures D: 1 minute casting
A thunderous blast issues forth, dealing [sum] damage in a 30' sphere. The caster and their companions travel up to [dice]x20 miles away to a known location.
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