Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Diesel Punk GLOG Classes: Carbarian, Road Warrior, Wrench Wizard

[Design Philosophy: Ordinarily, the Carbarian is indistinguishable from a no-Template Punk of the same level, albeit with some more HP. Their true power comes from an altered state of mind. A warping of the psyche. A shamanistic link to one's vehicle.


In it, a Carbarian not only becomes the rival of the Road Warrior, gaining an extra attack, but can perform impossible feats of mechanical mastery by sacrificing their own life force, the Guzzoline of the human body. The Carbarian is a short burning fuse, driven to self-destructive ends atop a mountain of blood, oil and fire. This is a rework of Lexi's Carbarian, keeping the Rage Dice but otherwise bringing it back to the standard Barbarian.]

Image result for nux mad max
Carbarian: This guy


The Carbarian is no mere mechanic. No, their near-spiritual connection to their vehicle manifests with impossible feats. When the Road Rage spikes through their veins, when the taste of Guzzoline is dearer to them than water, you don't want to come up against them on or off the car.

Carbarian: Gain +2 HP for every Carbarian template you possess.
A: +1 RD, Road Rage, WITNESS ME!
B: +1 RD One with the Machine
C: +1 RD Fire and Steel
D: +1 RD Chrome Dome

A: Road Rage: You have Rage Dice, which are d4s. When you want to enter a rage, roll any number of your Rage Dice. The rage lasts for (sum) minutes. Rage Dice burn out on 3s or 4s, and only return on a daily or long rest. When you roll doubles or triples on your Rage Dice, you get the related effect from the table.

While raging, you get an extra attack each round and (sum) bonus temporary Hit Points.You can't take any actions that don't contribute to you brutally murdering things while you're raging, and it automatically expires when all enemies are dead, subdued, or driven off, regardless of how much time is left. You can try to end your rage early on a 1-in-4.

1. Triple your Speed. Automatically Breach.
2. You can pick which Breaches or Wounds your attacks with your vehicle deal. Halve your Speed.
3. Increase the range of squares you can move to by 1. Successful Handling tests increase it by a further 1. Anyone else in the vehicle while you're moving has to save or take d4 bludgeoning damage.
4. Take no damage from Ramming attacks. You can't reduce your Speed.

1. Whenever you deal damage to a vehicle, you can move your Speed again in any direction. You take damage with advantage from Ramming attacks.
2. Treat your Vehicle as if it had an additional Accessory of your choice. Using that Accessory costs 1 Vehicle HP.
3. Whenever you attack with your vehicle, you must make a Charisma check to perform a Stunt of your choice. Whenever any of your Stunts fail, you suffer d4 Psychic damage.
4. Roll twice on the Doubles table.

Sacrifice 1d4 of your own HP to do one of the following: - Restore that many of your Vehicle's HP - Step up your Fuel die, or restore it to a d4 if you're out of gas - Increase your Speed by that much - Pass a Handling test to move further - Make a Charisma check. If you succeed, Stunt (as per the human-scale combat rules).

B: One With The Machine
You pass all saves to mitigate damage from Breaches. Whenever you would restore HP from a rest, you may instead restore that many HP to your vehicle.

C: Fire and Steel
Add your Fuel Die to your ramming attacks.

D: Chrome Dome
Reduce all incoming damage by 1. Gain +2 to Save vs Fear.

[Design Philosophy: The Road Warrior is built for reliability in a world of chaos. When their compatriots have exhausted themselves with superhuman acts of punkery, the Road Warrior is still there, breaking skulls and driving fast. They are the rock that a Diesel Punk crew relies on to be kicking ass and taking names at the end of the day.]

Image result for mad max and furiosa
Road Warrior: Both these motherf*ckers
Road Warrior 

Road Warrior: Gain +1 HP for every Road Warrior Template you possess.
A: +1 Attacks per round, Parry
B: Notches
C: Tricky, +2 Attack Stat
D: Deadeye, This is my Boom-Stick!

A: Parry 
Once per day you can reduce incoming damage by 1d12 points. If you roll higher than the incoming damage, you deal that much to the enemy.

B: Notches 
Each time you attain a total of 10, 20, 30, and 50 kills with a weapon type (such as 10 kills with a tire iron), you unlock a new ability for that weapon, chosen from the list below. Keep track of your kills and special abilities on the back of your character sheet. 1. +1 Damage 2. Expanded Critical Range (+1) 3. Special ability (negotiated with GM, one per weapon) For example, a Fighter with 50 chainsaw kills (4 notches) could have +1 damage, a critical range of (1-3), and the ability to carry over damage to another enemy on a critical hit. The GM decides what counts as a kill.

C: Tricky 
You get +2 to Combat Maneuver rolls. Additionally, whenever you attack and get exactly the number you needed, you may make an opposed Dexterity vs Strength or Dexterity (whichever is higher). If you win, you successfully execute a free Combat Maneuver.

D: Deadeye 
You can target a vehicle’s driver directly.

D: This is my Boom-Stick!
Add your damage die to any intimidation rolls. If in a vehicle, the die is maximized.

[Design Philosophy: While the Carbarian can be a cast-from-HP caster, the Wrench Wizard is really closer to a cleric. All PCs are competent in the maintenance and repair of vehicles (duh) but the Wrench Wizard can do the same while taking heavy fire and hanging off the side of a speeding truck. A Wrench Wizard's Eureka Dice (ED) represent fleeting comprehension of the machine on an intuitive level, a frantic clarity, and their Blueprints allow them to upgrade vehicles during downtime and craft strange new machines.]

Wrench Wizard 

Wrench Wizard
A: +1 ED, Blueprints
B: +1 ED Upgrades
C: +1 ED
D: +1 ED, Recognize My Genius!

A: Blueprints 
You can do more than just repair machines; you can build them. By finding Blueprints in the world, you can create attachments and even new vehicles from scratch during downtime.

B: Upgrades 
Once per adventure per vehicle, you can reroll one of its attributes and take the higher roll.

D: Recognize My Genius! 
You can make your own, custom attachments. Negotiate with your GM as to what they do.


Combat Repair 
R: 0 T: Vehicle D: 0
Repair a vehicle you are on for [sum] - [dice] HP.

Tick Tock 
R: Touch T: Vehicle D: 0
Rig a vehicle to explode in [dice] rounds.

R: 0 T: Self D: 1 minute
Add an explosion to your next shot. Deal + [sum] damage to all in 10’.

R: touch T: object or creature D: [dice]x2 hours
Object illuminates as a torch, with a radius of 20’+[dice]x10’. Alternatively, you can make an Attack roll against a sighted creature. If you succeed, the creature is blinded for [sum] rounds. If [sum] is greater than 12, the creature is permanently blinded.

A Faceful of Napalm 
R: 30’ T: Creature D: [dice] + 1 rounds
You throw improvised napalm at a target. They take [sum] damage and [sum]-4 damage for [dice] rounds after.

Magic Missile 
R: 60’ T: Creature D: 0
Target takes [sum] + [dice] damage, no Save. As a Wrench Wizard, it manifests as a wrench thrown unerringly at the target’s head.

Turbo Lover 
R: 0 T: Vehicle D: 0
Step down your Fuel Die to increase your speed by [sum]. If you exceed Power, don’t Breach for [dice] rounds.

Harder! Faster! 
R:0 T: Vehicle D: 0
Trigger a Breach if your choice to add [sum] + [dice] to your vehicle’s next check.

R: 0 T: Vehicle D: [dice] rounds
Delay a Slag by [dice] rounds. If you succeed in fixing the vehicle, it will break down when combat ends and require a long repair.

R: 0 T: Vehicle D: [dice] rounds
Step down a Fuel Die to cover adjacent vehicles and your path with Guzzoline for [dice] rounds.

Note: I’ve been thinking of adding a Ranger class, less Aragorn, more Artyom. Lexi, the ball is in your court.

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